CAM Art War | News

Le Monde

Le VIF Magazine Belgium_Antonio Manfredi


La Repubblica

Le Vif

Fragen Zur Zeit Magazine



Schermata 2013-04-17 a 11.18.47

The Economist
Government funding for the arts

Something odd is happening at the Casoria Contemporary Art Museum (CAM), near Naples. Some paintings and sculptures are being torched. Great art has felt the lick of flames before, but often by ransacking or accident. Here, for more than a week, the director of the gallery has been the one setting the artworks alight. read more 

















Schermata 2013-04-17 a 16.28.34 















Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.35.06 Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.13.30

Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.15.07 Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.15.59

Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.21.07 Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.22.24

Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.25.11 Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.25.58

Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.26.58 Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.38.46

Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.39.47 Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.40.45

Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.42.09  Schermata 2013-04-09 a 17.17.30

Schermata 2013-04-17 a 11.21.56

Schermata 2013-04-17 a 11.36.35

Schermata 2013-04-17 a 11.35.31


Schermata ria.ruSchermata 2013-04-17 a 11.45.09

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CAM MUSEUMCAM MUSEUM VIA CALORE S.N.C., CASORIA, NAPOLI - INFO +39 3332972239 Orari: martedì 10/16, mercoledì 17/20, giovedì 10/16, venerdì 17/20, sabato 17/20, domenica 10/13 privacy credit